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K-2 Meter Instantaneous response to EMF fluctuations & spikes Simple push-on/push-off operation Easy-to-read multi-segment LED display Accuracy of 5% at 50-60 Hz Detects ELF range (50 to 1,000 Hz) & VLF range (1,000 to 20,000 Hz)

Laser Grid This high powered laser emits a grid of green dots useful for detecting shadows or general visual disturbances during an investigation. Set it in front of a running camera to catch potential evidence. 6X STRONGER than the imitators.

 The P-SB7 utilizes a milli-second adjustable Forward or Reverse frequency "sweep" technique It is also coupled with a proprietary high frequency synthetic noise or "white noise" distributed between frequency steps. FM frequency sweep which includes an additional 119 new frequencies from 76MHz to 87.9MHz

Mel Meter When you need to measure EMF and temperature, you need one hand operation that gives you a wealth of information, and lots of options.This device offers both single axis AC Magnetic field measurement and real time air temperature readings. Display illumination is RED, so it doesn’t saturate your eyes when working in in dark areas. Readout in mG or µT, °F or °C. High resolution and fast response. Basic 1 inch K-Type thermocouple is included and it can be used with a variety of commercially available thermocouple probes for extended temperature ranges. Solves the age old paranormal equipment problem of "How do I hold all this stuff?"!

Full Spectrum & Infra-Red Lighting We use a wide range of different lighting to capture both photos and video of things which may not be visible in the pitch black of night.

Handheld Video Recorder  This has been modified to detect both Full Spectrum as well as IR capabilities.

Equipment Case As you can see and will notice throughout this page, we have an adequate amount of equipment to help serve you!

Investigator Vest This item is valuable to help carry numerous items during an investigation.

Equipment Case As you can see and will notice throughout this page, we have an adequate amount of equipment to help serve you!

Equipment Case As you can see and will notice throughout this page, we have an adequate amount of equipment to help serve you!

Mounted Equipment Our Equipment Tech makes all of our brackets himself to offer the best range of lighting and video coverage available today!

Monitoring Equipment We carry the most up to date monitoring devices available

Equipment Case As you can see and will notice throughout this page, we have an adequate amount of equipment to help serve you!

Infra-Red Camera Set-up Used for IR captures

Equipment Case As you can see and will notice throughout this page, we have an adequate amount of equipment to help serve you!

Investigator Belt Used to carry various investigative tools

Equipment Case As you can see and will notice throughout this page, we have an adequate amount of equipment to help serve you!​

Equipment Tri-Pods Yep, we got them and there are way more than this in our arsenal!

Digital Voice Recorders These are just a couple that we use. Each investigator will use between two to three at any given time to capture EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomena.

Sony Night-shot Camera Captures Infra-Red imagery and utilizes High-8 Tapes. Old school but perfect for what we do!

Night Vision Camera Captures video as well as still shots .

Static Pods We developed these ourselves and they will indicate when something walks in the near vicinity.

Equipment Case As you can see and will notice throughout this page, we have an adequate amount of equipment to help serve you!

Infra-Red Illumination 

Ghost Box Developed for interaction with spirits by scanning radio waves that can then be manipulated by spirits to communicate

Wireless Night Vision Cameras These are convenient as they are wireless and have a range up to 500 feet. We also have cameras that utilize a wiring system with a much greater range.

As you can see, we are prepared to help you. However the best tool we can offer you is the diverse skills and professional experience that PRG of Utah possesses, Ourselves!!!

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